Leaving everything behind is probably the most difficult decision any individuals should take, particularly when one is leaving for a humanitarian mission in Africa. A volunteerism assignment is often considered as the perfect move for the ideal reason however, throwing yourself in a humanitarian duty is a life’s choice; it’s important to understand that we are not going to save the world and that it’s far from a fun experience. If you’re used to live a comfortable life along with a good salary, it is fundamental to know that your living standards will not be the same again.
Boost your motivation!
To be at the service of Non-governmental Organisations (NGO) requires a deep motivation because it’s a life’s choice which necessitates a mature and reasonable thinking. Moreover, what are the reasons which boost millions of people to get engage in humanitarian missions? The truth is that, getting engage in volunteering programs is a lucrative way to discover the world while giving your time to some of the world’s major concerns; to learn and to get wind of contact with people and to gain a brand-new vision of the world; less idealistic and materialistic. Within this sector, you will face some harsh realities with people confronting critical situations. Having a constant motivation and a steel-hard morale is vital.
Looking for the best profiles
There are two types of volunteering programs, the full-time commitment for various education and health institutions and the emergency aid which requires constant and regular assistance due to natural disasters and conflicts. Mobilizing one another in this industry is more than an evidence, which is why several Organisations and associations get specialized in such activities. These Organisations often look for the best profiles, corresponding ones which suits the following industries: health, agriculture and education.
If the humanitarian industry has always been your beloved passion, you must know that there’s no specific diploma or tertiary educations which shape these kinds of experiences. If you wish to pursue and live this journey to the fullest, it is necessary to take the best advice about the different Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO) available.
Did you know that Africa HR Solutions Ltd is active in the NGO sector? Based in Mauritius, we provide the best Professional Employer Organisations (PEO) services and payroll solutions in over 40 African countries.
For more information, do not hesitate to contact us.